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Todays birthday cars:
60 years old
59 years old
58 years old
57 years old

VIN 40837S108858

Car Year: 1964
Car's approximate birthday: January 11, 1964
Owner: Unknown Owner
Purchase date: Undefined
Status: Current Owner
State: Unknown
Exterior: 923 Riverside Red (23.73%)
Interior: Red (Vinyl)
Softtop: Other Color
Wheels: Other Color
Body: A.O.Smith
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  837 Base Corvette Sport Coupe (250hp) 37.36% 4,252.00
  Total   0.000003410542339%
(1 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Car history:
I purchased this car in CA in March of 1978. It was an original black plate CA car. It was needing restoration, but wasn't bad. Original engine was gone, it had a 365HP 327 in it, but it was built from a 1967 sedan engine by number, and the car had a low rev tach. I restored the car with a beautiful paint job, body work, new interior, and factory K.O. wheels. Rebuilt the installed engine. Replaced the rear end (exchange) with a 65 pumpkin with posi. I drove the car for a decade as my every day car. I moved to Colorado. I had no garage and the lacquer paint went gradually bad. I sold the car around 2000. I sold it with an accompanying uninstalled and freshly rebuilt (original) 1964 365 HP 327 with all the right parts down to every detail, and a high rev tach I had acquired. The engine had no vin stamp after the identifying 365 Corvette engine stamp. I told the guy the date codes were correct prior to the date of the car, and he could install it with the tach and have it be qualifiable as an original factory replacement engine. I told him NOT to stamp a vin on it. If the car surfaces, it will probably look like it, but it is not an original 365hp car. It had been wrecked in the front and back--and repaired-- before I bought it. Front clip had been replaced. The rear bushing had gone out, allowing the rear to rotate up into the floor and the fiberglass above the U-joint had been repaired.
For Sale: No

Number of visits on this page by other users: 64

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